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Tangled Tongues

Using an Ultrasound Tongue Imaging (UTI) machine, visitors were able to view their own tongues in action when speaking.


Visitors were asked to say different words such as 'LEAF' and 'PEEL' and to compare what they saw on the UTI to images on a worksheet.

This was the most popular station at the event, with 55 visitors choosing it as their favourite activity on the feedback forms.

What Did and Didn't Work

  • Visitors enjoyed seeing their tongues.

  • The most popular station.


  • Visitors asked technical questions about the gel and machine that volunteers could not answer.


  • Have poster-sized images of different tongue shapes to use as reference points when speaking to larger groups of people.

  • Allow visitors to place stickers on a chart indicating which tongue shape they use for /l/ in particular phonological environments

  • Needs more space and more volunteers because of popularity.

  • Volunteers should be given an info sheet on additional technical information they may be questioned on.

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